(This and other prayer letters can now be found by clicking "LETTERS" at the top of the page.)
Dear Praying Friends,
Your prayers and your support continue to be a blessing to us. We thank the Lord, and we thank you, for making our ministry in Germany possible. This furlough has been more of a time of healing for us than we could have imagined. The Lord has brought the right people into our lives for our physical and spiritual refreshment.
Some churches have been a special blessing to us in September and October:
New Life Baptist Church in Conyers, Georgia has supplied us with a comfortable apartment in which to rejuvenate our weary bodies. The fact that we haven’t had to pay rent has blessed us beyond measure.
We thank our sending pastor and church for our new prayer cards and website. A new presentation and stationary will be coming soon.
Four churches started supporting us. Several more churches have promised to support us. We are contacting churches to raise the funds needed to return to Germany. Please pray that additional monthly support will soon be raised.
The best news we can report to you this month from Germany is concerning the Evangelistic Meeting that was held in Münsingen. God blessed the hard work of the members of the Münsingen Baptist Church. Thousands of invitations were given out and 300+ people attended each service. Sixteen souls were saved during the 3-day meeting! Pray for the church as they begin to disciple these new Christians and that they will soon be baptized and become active in the church. Also, pray for those who heard the Word that it will continue to burn in their hearts and bring them to Christ.
Thank you most sincerely for all the prayers and financial support received in October. We are proud to be your missionaries.
Finding Him Faithful,
Paul and Doris